Level Designer

"While the game ends once I reached the cabin, its story lingered in my mind for a while. Games can be so loud and boisterous; No Response is a moment for quiet reflection that I greatly appreciated." - Shonté Daniels, Paste Magazine
Roles: Level Designer, Narrative Designer and Artist
Team: Yarn Spinner
No Response was developed in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2018. Using the jam’s theme of ‘Transmission’ as a starting point, we crafted a surreal, mysterious narrative experience in which the protagonist awakes to find themselves victim to a traffic accident. Lost in the middle of the countryside, the player must make their way through an idyllic – yet haunting – forest in search of assistance. While their mobile phone screen may be broken and unable to make calls, it can receive messages – allowing the player to read incoming texts from family, friends and a sinister unknown contact who may not be all they seem.
My role in this project consisted of designing the core narrative structure - plotting out the memories that we wanted to tell the player through the text messages but also what stories could be told through the environment. I was then tasked with blocking out the terrain and blockmeshing the points of interest that the player encounters as they progress through the game. I then refined and iterated upon the level design as the narrative of the game changed. I was also tasked with creating the foliage and organic models for this project too.
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Platform(s): PC
Available to purchase on itch.io
Read about No Reponse on Paste Magazine